Go Go Lucha brings you one of the hottest adult pro wrestling extravaganzas in Orange County. This show included pro wrestling, a live band and exotic burlesque dancers.
Lucha Punk News covered this event with photography and interviews. It was a very vivid and great show - a must see! It was put together by Santino Bros. and Luchafer. What was intriguing to see about this event was watching the students go from training to pro wrestling and working the ring. The highlight of the show was when B-Boy, Cara De Leon and Tyler Bateman took the ring by storm. It was a 3 way battle for who would be top wrestler for Go Go Lucha. There was alot of high flying and smackdown on this one and B-Boy delivered the goods winning the match. We spoke to all 3 backstage and it looks like they're gonna need a little time recovering. And in other news on this epic event, Ruby Raze and Joey Ryan battled it out with lots of baby oil and a twist of Freddy Krueger's claw, sounds of a B movie classic. You had to be there to believe it! Later on Scorpio Sky vs. Cara De Leon and Scorpio Sky had his work cut out for him taming the beast, Cara. Earlier that night Heather & Laura vs. Peter & Biacio got into it. There was alot of hair pulling and it wasn't the girls doing the hair pulling! The fight continued backstage into the interview room with alot of name calling, shoving and a few threats. We can't wait to see a rematch! Story by David VChi